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Teach Piano
Whether you are deciding to teach yourself the piano, or you want to teach beginning piano students, there are several considerations that need to be made. In this blog, you will see that choosing the best method book is key to successful teaching and learning.
The best method books present their information in a systemic and simple way. The use of visual aids, fun exercises, and activities will ensure that you will have fun as you are teaching or learning the piano.
Piano Stickers
These stickers are an excellent visual aid that helps young piano students with learning the piano. You can easily place the stickers on the keys of the piano, and remove them when the young piano student is ready to move on in their playing. Your student will surely remember the note names and notation of the notes on the piano by using these.
You can purchase these stickers by clicking on the image below:
Keyboard or Piano Stickers 61 key set For Kids learn to play THE FUN WAY PSMW61
5 Best Beginning Piano Books
Here is a list of the most recommended beginning piano method books. Books are arranged in order of most recommended on the top, and least recommended on the bottom.
The Magical Musical Forest Adventure
The Magical Musical Forest Adventure is a delightful and innovative piano book designed to captivate young learners with its enchanting storyline and interactive music lessons. Co-written by Jordan Daniels and Mia Daly, this book takes children on a whimsical journey through a magical forest where they meet charming characters and solve musical puzzles. The book uniquely combines storytelling with hands-on piano practice, featuring easy-to-follow sheet music arrangements and an engaging sound module that lets children hear and play along with the melodies. Its vibrant illustrations and simple instructions make it an excellent choice for beginners, keeping them motivated and excited to learn.
What sets this book apart is its interactive approach to music education. With an electronic keyboard component requiring just batteries, children can press buttons to hear songs, reinforcing their understanding of rhythm and melody. Paired with sheet music designed for small hands and young minds, this book fosters a love for music while building fundamental piano skills. Whether you’re a parent introducing your child to music or a teacher looking for a fun resource, The Magical Musical Forest Adventure is a must-have for your beginner piano library.
Alfred’s Basic Piano Library
The Alfred’s Basic Piano Library books were last published in 2002. These books have been used by many piano teachers for years. It uses three different books, a recital book that includes performance pieces, a theory book that teaches theory concepts away from the piano, and a Technic book which contains reading and rhythm exercises.
It begins with introducing the student to the names of the white keys of the piano. It then moves on to black keys, simple rhythms, and simple intervals. The songs that are introduced in this book accompany the concepts that are being learned. This book series requires the use of an experienced piano teacher. There are six different levels in this series.
Level 1
Recital book
This book contains instructions on how to play the piano, and also contains songs that the student can learn and perform.

Click here for reviews and pricing on!
Alfred’s Basic Piano Library: Recital Book, Level 1A

Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Lesson Book, Bk 1B
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Theory Book
The Theory Books can be used away from the piano. The piano student can learn keyboard topics such as note names and rhythms through the fun games and activities in the books.

Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Theory, Bk 1A

Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Theory, Bk 1B
Technic Book
This book contains fun reading and rhythm exercises that will enhance the student’s learning. This book should be used in conjunction with the other books.
Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Technic, Bk 1A
Level 2
This book introduces intervals of 6, 7, and 8. Students begin to learn scales, triads, and primary chords I, IV, and V. Dotted rhythms, such as dotted quarter notes and dotted half notes are brought up. Students beginning to move their hands away from the home position.
Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Lesson Book, Bk 2
Theory Book Level 2
Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Theory, Bk 2
Technic Book Level 2
Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Technic, Bk 2
Level 3
Recital Book
Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Recital Book, Bk 3
Theory Book
Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Theory, Bk 3
Lesson Book
Alfred’s Basic Piano Course: Lesson Book – Level 3
Level 4
Recital Book
Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Recital Book, Bk 4
Theory Book
Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Theory, Bk 4
Lesson Book
Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Lesson Book, Bk 4
Level 5
Recital Book
Alfred’s Basic Piano Course Recital Book Level 5 (Alfred’s Basic Piano Library)
Theory Book
Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Theory, Bk 5
Lesson Book
Alfred’s Basic Piano Library: Piano Lesson Book, Level 5
Level 6
Recital Book
Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Recital Book, Bk 6
Theory book
Alfred’s Basic Piano Course: Piano Theory Book, Level 6
Lesson Book 6
Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Lesson Book, Bk 6
John Thompson’s Easiest Piano Course
This book series for beginning piano lessons is excellent for very young children, ages 4-7. Children who are as young as four years old will be able to effectively learn from this series with the guide of an experienced piano teacher. The John Thompson’s piano books introduce concepts at a rate which is very good for young piano students. The songs in the book also contain piano accompaniment parts, so that the teacher can play music along with the student.
This book series is meant to be a predecessor to the red book collection of John Thompson’s modern course for the piano. After finishing this series, it is recommended to purchases the red books of John Thompson.
Click here to see the Thompson’s Easiest Piano Course for free!
Book One
The first book teaches notes from F in the bass clef, to G in the right hand. It established the “home position” for piano playing.
John Thompson’s Easiest Piano Course Part 1
Book Two
This book encourages the young pianist to begin playing with both hands. The students will learn new notes, and will have to come out of the comfort zone of the “home position” of piano. They will learn new hand positions for playing the new notes.
As a teacher, it is important to be very patient when the young student is learning new notes and new finger positions, as this can be very frustrating for a new pianist. Give the student a lot of encouragement, and do not the rush the process of them learning new pianistic concepts.
John Thompson’s Easiest Piano Course – Part 2 – Book Only
Book Three
Terminology such as crescendo, decrescendo, repeat signs, and dynamic markings are taught. Students will learn notes from a low G (more than an octave below middle C) to a high G. Students will learn about phrasing, major scales, and articulations. Students will learn up to three flats and three sharps with the major keys (C, F, B flat, E flat, G, D, and A major)
John Thompson’s Easiest Piano Course – Part 3 – Book Only
Book Four
New key signatures of E major, B major, A flat, D flat, and G flat are introduced. Students begin reading ledger lines below the treble clef and about the bass clef. Syncopation and broken chords are taught as well.
John Thompson’s Easiest Piano Course – Part 4 – Book Only
Book Five
John Thompson’s Easiest Piano Course – Part 5 – Book Only
Book Six
John Thompson’s Easiest Piano Course – Part 6 – Book Only
John Thompson’s Modern Course for the Piano
This book series is a best seller for beginning piano books. Before beginning this series, the John Thompson’s Easiest Piano Course series or a similar book series should be completed first. This book starts off quickly with piano, and students are expected to already be comfortable with playing with both hands. This book is recommended for students ages 8 and over.
Book One
This book has the students remain in the five-finger positions. Students will play with both hands, and will gradually build more confidence and comfort with playing with both hands on the piano.
John Thompson’s Modern Course for the Piano: First Grade Book
Book Two
This book introduces the young piano student to great classical composers such as Mozart, Chopin, and Beethoven and to many famous excerpts from classical repertoire. Students will learn about contrary and parallel motion, Dominant Seventh chords, chord inversions, arpeggios, triplets, trills, and ledger lines. Students will learn pieces in multiple key signatures, such as A major and E flat major.
Book 3
Students will learn about cross hand playing, interpretation, different styles and forms of music such as a March, sarabande, tarantella, prelude, sonatina, and ballad. Grace notes and accents are introduced as well.
For the young student, it is important to try and learn as many songs as they can from this book. This will aid the student in their ability to sight read, and they will become comfortable with the many forms of music a pianist is expected to perform.
Book Four
Students will begin learning more advanced concepts on the piano. Students will play with the melody in the left hand, playing 5/4 rhythms, and playing polyphonic music. They will play arrangements of many famous classical pieces such as the second movement of Beethoven’s fifth symphony.
Book Five
This book is for students that will enter the advanced stage of piano lessons. Many classical pieces, such as the second movement of the Pathetique Sonata of Beethoven and Rondo alla Turca by Mozart, are in this book. Students will begin building repertoire that can be performed. After this book, students will no longer need the aid of a “beginning” piano book.
The Bastien Piano Library
This book series by James Bastien systematically teaching piano concepts to the beginning piano student. It features small pieces, pieces with accompaniment that the teacher can play, chord progression exercises, finger exercises, and performance pieces for the student to learn. This series was last published in 1997. James Bastien passed away in 2006 at the age of 71.
This series contain a Method, Theory, Technic, Solo, and supplementary books.
Primer Level
Students will learn piano basics such as note names, basic notation, rhythm, and how to play with both hands. Students will remain in the “home position” of piano playing for this level.
Note: It is recommended to buy all four books, as a young student needs to learn not only how to play the notes of the piano, but music theory and technique as well.
Complete Set
Book 1
In this book, students will learn the notes from a low G (an octave below middle C) to a high F (an octave above middle C). The students five finger position, or home position, will be the left hand playing C,D,E,F,G and the right hand playing C,D,E,F, and G. Students will learn how to play in F and G major, and know the primary chord progression for these key signatures. Students will learn terminology such as time signatures, dynamic markings, staccato, tie, and slur.
There are two editions for this series. The well known 1976 edition and the new 1997 edition.
Important to note: While the favorite classic melodies can be used for any book series, the level of the favorite classic melodies books do not reflect the piano lessons book of the same level.
Piano Lessons
WP2 – Piano Lessons – Level 1 – Bastien Piano Library
Favorite Classic Melodies
This book includes arrangements of favorite classic tunes such as Grieg’s Morning Mood and Bach’s Jesu Joy of Man’s Desire. Students will play pieces in the keys of C, G, and F major.
This book can be used as a supplement to any book series.
Contains the 1997 edition with all four books.
Book 2
Students learn how major scales are formed, intervals, dominant seventh chords, primary chords in in G, D, A, and E major, and 6/8 time signature.
Piano Lessons
Favorite Classic Melodies
Contains favorite classical pieces such as Strauss’ Blue Danube Waltz and Grieg’s In the Hall of the Mountain King. Focuses on using I, IV, and V chords in the keys of C, G, and F.
Book 3
Piano Lessons
The new key signatures taught in this book focuses on major flat keys. Students will learn E flat, A flat, and D flat and their primary chord progressions (It leaves out B flat for some reason). Students will also learn the chromatic scale and learn how minor scales are formed. They will learn about the 3 different minor scales, natural, harmonic, and melodic.
Favorite Classic Melodies
Contains favorites such as Franz Liszt’s Liebastraum and Tchaikowsky’s Pathetique Symphony simplified for pianists at this level. Students play pieces that focus on C, F, and G major.
Book 4
Piano Lessons
Students learn the circle of fifths, pedal technique, triad inversions, sevenths and octaves, parallel major and minors, augmented triads, diminished triads, syncopation, and whole tone scales.
Favorite Classic Melodies
Contains favorites such as Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto 1 and Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony arranged for pianists at this level. Focuses on the keys of C, G, D, and E flat major, and a minor.